Our fresh coffee roasts for the month of March will be on the 9th and the 24th.


County Coffee roasts fresh coffee in the Food Hub at Abbey Gardens. Roasters David Buwalda and David Patterson concentrate sourcing ethically-traded single origin green beans which highlight the best characteristics of different regions.

As every region is different so are the conditions in which Coffee producers labour and we have selected our beans according to ethical trade, health, and environmental certifications.

We feature organic, Fair Trade, and Rain Forest Alliance coffees. Our decaffeinated is done without chemicals using the Swiss Water Process. Coffee is a big business and we seek to find the means to bring beans to Ontario at a fair price for producers and consumers without sacrificing the unique quality of the beans we bring in. 

Fairly traded coffee tends to taste better and not just for ethical reasons. Sustainable farming practices usually protect the soil and the water table so as to bring out the best in the beans. We appreciate that and work to share the best beans with you.